Welcome to our information pages on the Tycroes Solar Farm. The Planning Application for are proposed project near Tycroes was granted permission by the Welsh Government in August 2021.

We are planning to start construction in 2022 and we will provide further information on our construction plans soon.

The following documents from our planning submission are available for your review:

Location Plan.pdf

DNS Application Forms

Acceptance of a notice of a proposed application for a Development of National Significance


Site Plan Existing 1of3 ref. SP-EP1D02-PL

Site Plan Existing 2of3 ref. SP-EP2-D02-PL

Site Plan Existing 3of3 ref. SP-EP3-D02-PL

Site Plan Proposed 1of3 ref. SP-SL1-D02-PL

Site Plan Proposed 2of3 ref. SP-SL2-D02-PL

Site Plan Proposed 3of3 ref. SP-SL3-D02-PL

Elevations Plan ref. SP-ELD2-PL

Transformer Housing Plan ref. SP-IND2-PL

Substation Plan ref. SP-SSD2-PL

CCTV Plan ref. SP-CTD2-PL

Site Clearances Plan ref. SP-SCD2-PL

Fence Plan ref. SP-SFD2-PL


Planning Statement.pdf

Planning Statement - Appendix 1.pdf

Planning Statement - Appendix 2.pdf

Planning Statement - Appendix 3.pdf

Planning Statement - Appendix 4.pdf

Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Report.pdf

LVIA Figs 1-6.pdf

LVIA Figs 7-9.pdf

LVIA Figs 10A-D.pdf

LVIA Figs 11-18.pdf

Preliminary Ecological Appraisal - solar sites.pdf

Preliminary Ecological Appraisal - the cable route.pdf

Habitats Regulation Assessment.pdf

Landscape and Ecology Management Plan.pdf

Heritage Impact Assessment.pdf

Flood Consequences Assessment.pdf

Arboricultural Impact Assessment [AMS]:

AMS 1. Arboricultural Method Statement [AMS] Report.pdf

AMS 2. App 1 - Tree Survey Schedule.pdf

AMS 3. App 2A - Tree Survey Plan West.pdf

AMS 4. App 2B - Tree Survey Plan Central.pdf

AMS 5. App 2C - Tree Survey Plan North East.pdf

AMS 6. App 2D - Tree Survey Plan South East.pdf

AMS 7. App 3 - Tree Quality Assessment Table.pdf

AMS 8. App 4A - RPA Plan West.pdf

AMS 9. App 4B - RPA Plan Central.pdf

AMS 10. App 4C - RPA Plan North East.pdf

AMS 11. App 4D - RPA Plan South East.pdf

AMS 12. App 5A - Tree Shadow Plan West.pdf

AMS 13. App 5B - Tree Shadow Plan Central.pdf

AMS 14. App 5C - Tree Shadow Plan North East.pdf

AMS 15. App 5D - Tree Shadow Plan South East.pdf

AMS 16. App 6 - BS5837 [2012] Fencing above ground.pdf

AMS 17. App 7A - Tree Protection Plan West.pdf

AMS 18. App 7B - Tree Protection Plan Central.pdf

AMS 19. App 7C - Tree Protection Plan North East.pdf

AMS 20. App 7D - Tree Protection Plan South East.pdf

Supplementary Report underground cables.pdf

App 1A - Cable and Hedgerow Protection Plan West.pdf

App 1B - Cable and Hedgerow Protection Plan Central.pdf

App 1C - Cable and Hedgerow Protection Plan West.pdf

Glint and Glare Assessment.pdf

Transport Statement.pdf

Design and Access Statement.pdf

Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf

Coal Mining Risk Assessment.pdf

Coal Mining Risk Assessment Technical Note.pdf

If you would like to make a comment or ask a question about our proposal, please complete the form below:

Alternatively, email your comments and questions to begin@springche.com Please insert ‘Comments on Tycroes Solar’ as the subject.